
Cannasouth is committed to the highest level of environmental sustainability across all aspects of its research, cultivation, manufacturing, and business processes. It has a goal to become one of New Zealand’s most sustainable and environmentally friendly commercial medicinal cannabis entities and to lead by example to inspire others to incorporate sustainably focused policies throughout their organisations.

The planet is precious – there is no Plan B. Cannasouth believes immediate change is needed to address worldwide sustainability and environmental issues, and it starts with us – the people who walk this planet and use its finite resources.

Cannasouth is committed to sustainability and environmental stewardship through:

  • Using chemical-free growing techniques whenever possible to produce its research compounds and medicines.
  • Constantly developing and improving its cultivation and manufacturing production systems to reduce energy and water use and reducing its carbon footprint.
  • Incorporating sustainable practices across all levels of the organisation, including waste minimisation, packaging, and recycling.
  • Producing cannabinoid compounds through the most environmentally friendly methods possible.
  • Building cultivation facilities to adhere to worldwide GACP.
  • Developing medicinal cannabis products that are accessible and affordable for all patients who need them.
